A committed strategy

Jean-Philippe Cosson, General Manager - Sales, International subsidiaries, CSR, presents SILAB's sustainable commitment.

For its global sustainable development policy

United Nations Global Compact

Since 2023, SILAB has been committed to the United Nations Global Compact's corporate social responsibility initiative and its Ten Principles around human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption.

This voluntary and transparent commitment demonstrates the SILAB’s policy of sustainable development and its contribution to fostering responsible ecosystems.

For its responsible sourcing policy


SILAB affirms its commitment to biodiversity through its membership of the UEBT (Union for Ethical Biotrade) in 2021. This not-for-profit association defines best practices for how companies and their suppliers source ingredients from biodiversity.

This way, SILAB is committed to a world in which people and biodiversity are treated with respect.

The program involves setting an action plan and monitoring and communicating its progress: a sustainable dynamic of continuous improvement.

For its environmental policy

Science Based Targets

SILAB is involved in an action program focused on a low-carbon economy, in line with its activity through the Science Based Targets initiative.

This approach aims to align targets with the "2°C" trajectory, recognized as essential by the international community.

By 2030, SILAB aims to reduce its Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 30% compared with 2018, and to measure and reduce its Scope 3 emissions.