SKINBIOSIS®:microbiota and beyond

SKINBIOSIS® is an unprecedented concept, whose name results from the fusion of the words "skin" and "symbiosis". It represents the deliberate strategy of associating both the microbiota and the natural biological processes pathways to reach a steady cutaneous balance.

Skin balance: essential interactions between the microflora and natural mechanisms

Nature is governed by an indispensable but fragile equilibrium between fauna and flora inhabiting the same space. This interdependence of billions of lives on Earth has maintained a natural order for thousands of years in spite of the great diversity of species and the complex unicity of each biotope. In ancient Chinese tradition, Yin-Yang expresses all the concrete dualities of life: a set of opposite and complementing forces in a same universe, controlling the vitality of Nature and paradoxically forming one and the same unit.

As a microcosm of Earth, the skin is an ecosystem affected by the symbiosis of relationships between the various communities inhabiting it, called the microbiota, and the natural mechanisms that ensure its physiological functions. These two parameters strategically keep watch to protect this harmony from all types of internal or external stresses that could imperil the delicate balance of the skin.

It thus becomes necessary to take into account both the equilibrium of the microbiota and endogenous cutaneous processes when treating dry, mature, blemished, or sensitive skin, and uncomfortable scalp.


A cosmetic solution adapted to all skin types

The most common clinical manifestation of cutaneous disorders is skin dryness

It is characterized by rough, malnourished and uncomfortable skin. These alterations are primarily the result of a weakened barrier function, in turn resulting from a shortfall of lipids and increased transepidermal water loss.

SILAB has developed the postbiotic LACTOBIOTYL® by making profitable use of the metabolic prowess of Lactobacillus arizonensis, a probiotic known for its capacity to acclimate easily to extreme conditions of drought. Using a biomimetic approach, the strain was nourished with an extract of jojoba in order to reproduce its natural environment and to bioguide the production of metabolites that ensure its survival and adaptation. LACTOBIOTYL® does not affect microbiota’s equilibrium of dry skin, reinforces the integrity of the skin barrier and activates epidermal renewal.

Composed of di- and tripeptides of rice, NUTRIPEPTIDES® protects the skin from nutritional deficiencies, promotes the formation of a functional epidermis and dermis in a deficient environment and activates defense mechanisms against stress.

Mature skin exhibits specific physiological and physical characteristics: loss of volume and elasticity, appearance of wrinkles and lack of radiance. SILAB has been and continues to be a front runner in comparative analyses of the cutaneous microbiotas of young and mature skin by meta-sequencing. This work has shown that the composition of the microbiota of mature skin changes over time.

ECOBIOTYS® is an active ingredient bio-inspired by the regulating power of the microbiota of the nectar of flowers, the Nectarobiota®. Obtained from the yeast Metschnikowia reukaufii, isolated from the nectar of the porcelain flower Hoya carnosa, ECOBIOTYS® specifically re-equilibrates the microbiota of mature skin by acting on the distribution of bacterial communities and by reinforcing the immune and mechanical barriers of the skin. With ECOBIOTYS®, the microbiota profile of mature skin returns to that of young skin.

For the first time in cosmetics, SILAB has mapped in vivo the cutaneous parameters involved in aging well and then modeled in vitro the genetic and functional profile of poorly aging cells and tissues.
The supply chain of WELLAGYL® is traceable from the rose Valley in Bulgaria. It is a natural active ingredient rich in oligosaccharides that activates the biological pathways involved in the treatment of the effects of age via the well-aging concept.

The skin can become imbalanced by a variety of factors, such as a disturbance of the cutaneous environment or hyper seborrhea, which thereby favor the proliferation of saprophytic cutaneous microorganisms or contamination by pathogens.

The skin then exhibits imperfections.

DERMAPUR® HP extracted from meadowsweet is rich in phenolic acids known for their anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It preserves the cutaneous ecosystem by stimulating the endogenous synthesis of antimicrobial peptides: cathelicidins. It reduces bacterial proliferation and sebaceous secretion, limits inflammatory lesions and improves the uniformity of skin grain.

The active ingredient RECOVERINE® favors epidermal homeostasis and controls the desquamation process. Chestnuts are obtained from a traceable and secure local supply chain and were specifically selected for their unique pectin biopolymers responsible for cell cohesion in plant cell walls.

The skin is the first line of the body’s defense against aggressions, through the rapid deployment of an innate immune response. Sensitive skin is a state characterized by an excessive response to aggressions by triggering an exacerbated inflammatory reaction. Sensitive skin is hyper-reactive and subjected to harsh consequences: stinging, redness, hot flushes and sensations of tightness.

INDUFENCE® is rich in peptides purified from the rhizomes of water-plantain. It acts as a probiotic, reinforcing the overall barrier function of the epidermis: it increases the cohesion of the upper layers of the epidermis and stimulates innate immunity receptors to favor the production of antimicrobial molecules at the same time as modulating the inflammatory response.

NEUROFENSE® is a bio-inspired soothing concentrate obtained from the roots of red sage, a Chinese medicinal plant very resistant to cold.
It neutralizes neuronal hyper-reactivity, activates the CBD2 receptor, limits inflammation of the skin and restores the quality of the skin barrier.

Faced with certain external and/or environmental aggressions that it undergoes on a daily basis, the scalp can lose its natural balance: it becomes oily, dry and more prone to irritation and dandruff.

ADANDRINE® is a co-product from pomegranate peel. It controls microbial proliferation by inhibiting the growth of Malassezia furfur, restores the balance of the epidermal differentiation process by stimulating the synthesis of involucrin. This allow full maturation of the stratum corneum, significantly improves the condition of the barrier function and soothes the scalp.

CAPICALM® is an anti-irritant active ingredient rich in fumitory glycans, which reduces the inflammatory reaction by limiting the release of key inflammation factors and protects thereby against external stresses by calming irritation and itching.

The cutaneous microbiota and its diversity are essential when discussing the subject of skin balance because they are directly involved in its control. By going further, the definition of "balanced skin" can be extended to a more strategic vision by including the concept of regulating the skin's natural functioning processes. This global approach, called SKINBIOSIS®, offers the opportunity of developing more in-depth cosmetic solutions adapted to all skin types.


Marketing project leader
As a biologist engineer, I am fascinated by the benefits of Nature on well-being and on the skin. At SILAB, within the marketing and communication department, my creative spirit is expressed in the production of thematic and trend presentations. In an international environment, my job requires to be continuously attentive to the current and future needs of consumers.

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