Vital drops of beauty

In order to enable the skin to radiate vitality and good health, SILAB has decided to target the needs of the infinitely small to guarantee optimal functioning of cell metabolism. The four active ingredients selected provide a response that is energizing, nourishing, detoxifying, and regenerating for cells and are the basis of the concept of “vital drops of beauty”.

Science of the infinitely small integrated in modern trends

Today’s Clean beauty trend and its approach to cosmetics that is safer, more environment-friendly and more ethical, is progressively advancing towards that of the “Cleanical”. This new concept resulting from the fusion of the terms “clean” and “clinical” proposes natural solutions with scientifically proven efficacy.

Our approach to health is being more holistically viewed via the concept of inside-out, stimulating dynamic metabolisms in the core of the body, as well as those lending support to preoccupations related to physical energy, sleep, and stress.

This new conception of “care” leads to think of our body in its entirety and to try and understand its functioning and specificities to better respond to its needs. Combined with scientific thought, this approach to health “from the inside” is applicable at the scale of the invisible and so involves responding to the essential needs of the cells composing our skin.

Targeted care to ensure beauty, health, and well-being of the skin

Skin cells have essential requirements in order to ensure their various functions. If there are disturbances or deficiencies, the cells function poorly and can no longer provide the skin with correct homeostasis, at the microscopic scale but also macroscopically.

Plants have been used for thousands of years and are valuable allies to ensure the beauty, good health, and well-being of the skin. As a result of their ability to induce the production of natural energy in the heart of skin cells, they stimulate certain essential capacities such as self-protection, healing, or hydration as responses to aggressions from inside or outside the body.

Since SILAB’s creation, it has been inspired by the power of nature for the development of natural and high-performance active ingredients for the beauty and health of all types of skin. Thus, SILAB proposes a selection of four active ingredients which provide an adapted and personalized response to the basic needs of skin cells and thereby actively participate in the regulation of their metabolism without depleting their resources.

Stimulate cell dynamism with oxygen and energy

OXYGESKIN® mobilizes oxygen sensing HIF-1α (Hypoxia-inducible factor 1α) and its transport via cytoglobin, thereby revitalizing asphyxiated skin by acting as deep respiration in the heart of skin cells. As a result of a multi-target protective action, this active ingredient, obtained from garden nasturtium, improves the quality of the skin barrier and of the dermis damaged by blue light, leading to skin that is smoother, better hydrated, and more radiant.

Protect cells from nutritional deficiencies

NUTRIPEPTIDES® compensates nutritional deficiencies of skin cells by the supply of rapidly assimilable nitrogen and numerous combinations of amino acids, thereby maintaining the equilibrium required for cellular dietetics and favoring their metabolism. This natural active ingredient, composed of rice di- and tripeptides, promotes the formation of a functional epidermis and dermis and activates mechanisms of defense against stress for skin that is more tonic, more radiant and smoother.

Detoxify and increase the longevity of cells by boosting proteostasis

ERISIUM® preserves good health of the endoplasmic reticulum, thereby maintaining protein equilibrium in the heart of skin cells for an anti-wrinkle and radiance boosting effect. This natural active ingredient, obtained from a rice co-product, reactivates the UPR pathway (Unfolded protein response), thereby limiting the inflammaging process, restoring matrix dynamics and providing an anti-aging effect.

Activate the sensory receptors of cutaneous cells to boost skin regeneration

By activating these epidermal sensory receptors that are deregulated during aging, SENSORIALINE® awakens the senses, promotes skin regeneration and ensures that a robust and effective barrier function is maintained over time. This natural active ingredient, derived from coconut, increases hydration of the skin and significantly revives its radiance.


Marketing project leader
As a biologist engineer, I am fascinated by the benefits of Nature on well-being and on the skin. At SILAB, within the marketing and communication department, my creative spirit is expressed in the production of thematic and trend presentations. In an international environment, my job requires to be continuously attentive to the current and future needs of consumers.

Our inspirations

Spotlight on the latest scientific innovations and trends in the cosmetic and dermo-cosmetic market! Our experts share their visions, advice, and perspectives to better inspire you.