SILAB - Jean PAUFIQUE Corporate Foundation: 2020 prize-winners

The members of the Scientific Committee of the SILAB - Jean PAUFIQUE Corporate Foundation have co-designated the 2020 winners. These are the 13th nominations in the Corporate Foundation’s history, since its creation in 2007.

Aïda Meghraoui-Kheddar named her research project CARSINO “CARcinomes cutanés, Suppression Immunitaire et neuronesNOcicepteurs : vers une nouvelle cible thérapeutique en oncodermatologie/Cutaneous carcinomas, immune suppression and nociceptor neurons: towards a new therapeutic target in oncodermatology”. The studies are conducted at the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology, CNRS UMR 7275 and at the Côte d'Azur University in Nice, in the “Regulation of immune responses at muco-cutaneous sites” team, co-directed by Dr. Véronique Braud and Dr. Fabienne Anjuere.

As for Solène Besson's research project, it is entitled “Développement de vecteurs d’immunothérapies pour le traitement du mélanome/Development of vectors of immunotherapies for the treatment of melanomas”. This work is being done at the Institute of Structural Biology in collaboration with the Établissement Français du Sang/French Blood Institute and the Institute for Advanced Biosciences in Grenoble in the “Adenovirus” and “Immunobiologie et Immunothérapies dans les maladies chroniques/Immunobiology and Immunotherapies in chronic diseases” teams directed by Dr. Pascal Fender.

The Corporate Foundation allocates each winner research funding of 20,000 euros per year, which may be renewed for up to 3 years.

The designation of the 2021 prize-winner will take place next April.

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