Pomegranate: the treasure of Gabès

Do you know the story of the pomegranate, the natural raw material of ACNESIUM®, the dermo-cosmetic active ingredient?

Sourced from the Gabès oasis in Tunisia, the pomegranate supplied by SILAB is an exceptional variety, with a AOP (Appellation d’origine protégée, official protected origin name) and an IP (Indication de provenance, indication of source). An important work of selection and optimization of the raw material has been carried out in collaboration with the producers, which has allowed, among other things, to ensure the harvest of the pomegranate at the required stage of maturity for the biological efficacy of ACNESIUM®.

Discover the video of this responsible sourcing, at the origin of the development of this active ingredient which responds in an optimal and transversal way to the problem of acne.

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