SILAB - Jean PAUFIQUE Corporate Foundation: the 2021 prize-winner

The SILAB - Jean PAUFIQUE Corporate Foundation has named the 14th prize-winner in its history, since its creation in 2007.

The Scientific Council selected Léa Dousset for her project “Therapeutic targeting by cell profiling of aggressive forms of Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)”. Her work was conducted in Inserm unit U1035 at the University of Bordeaux under the direction of Dr. Hamid Rezvani (dermatology and cancer team, BMGIC). This project was undertaken to better understand the architecture of tumors and the factors promoting tumor progression that could result in the identification of new prognostic and diagnostic biomarkers. This approach may also open the path to new therapeutic targets. The Foundation will provide financial support to this project for the next three years.

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