100% of SILAB's standard active ingredients notified on the NMPA platform

Since April 2022, all the SILAB’s standard active ingredients have been notified on the platform of the Chinese authorities: National medical products administration (NMPA), the agency in charge of the regulation of drugs, medical devices and cosmetics.

In 2020, the Chinese cosmetic regulation has evolved with the implementation of the new Cosmetic supervision and administration regulation (CSAR), and its 13 application decrees published between 2020 and 2021. On January 1st, 2021, the CSAR became effective with the aim of strengthening the quality and safety of cosmetic products marketed in China.

Ingredient suppliers are now required to notify on the NMPA platform all their products listed in the 2021 Inventory of existing cosmetic ingredients in China (IECIC).

Since the opening of the cosmetic ingredients part of the Chinese platform on December 31st, 2021, SILAB has notified its entire catalog in only 4 months. This reactivity guarantees its clients to be able to register their products on the Chinese market within the required deadline, with the NMPA codes of the ingredients present in their formulas.

SILAB thus demonstrates its ability to adapt quickly to new international regulations in order to ensure the compliance of its products on different markets and thus meet a major commitment of the company: the satisfaction of its customers.

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