The work-study campaign for the 2023 school year is launched!

Strongly involved in the professional integration of young people for many years, SILAB recruits students on apprenticeship or professionalization contracts and supports them during their training for 1, 2 or 3 years. For the start of the 2023 academic year, about fifteen new offers are to be filled for a variety of professions and different levels of qualification.

This year once again, SILAB is looking for new talents for its latest class of students.

From second-year university level to master’s degree, this year, about fifteen offers are proposed in several sectors: R&D, Industrial, Quality, Business, Legal, Purchasing, Human Resources...

Our proactive policy is reflected in the fact that more than 5% of the workforce is on work-study programs.

Go to our job page to find them all!

Why do a work-study program at SILAB?

SILAB's collaborators, experts in their field, are trained to be tutors and to pass on knowledge and know-how efficiently while ensuring quality support for the development of young people's skills. Creating value through experience sharing is part of the company's commitments.

During the first weeks, new collaborators follow a personalized integration program and quickly discover their missions.

At the end of their training course, some work-study students have the opportunity to start their professional career by joining the company permanently. Discover the testimonies of four apprentices currently training in our company.

Pauline Rougier
Current degree: Informatic Engineer
IS projects manager apprentice

What sentence summarizes the best your experience at SILAB?

I am given keys on the practical side of my job, as well as advice for my future career, by helping me develop my interpersonal skills, which makes it a very complete experience.

Could you give one good reason to do a work-study at SILAB?

SILAB is a large enough and independent company to be able to work with people from different departments and therefore benefit from a wide variety of subjects. It is also a human-sized company, which makes it easier to have access to each trade and to have a global vision.

Gabriel Guillout
Current degree: Professional degree in Bioproduction
and Agri-food Engineering

Production Technician Apprentice

What sentence summarizes the best your experience at SILAB?

In the production team, they make themselves always available to help me and accompany me in my missions. In two words, my experience is motivating and enriching.

Could you give one good reason to do a work-study at SILAB?

The work-study at SILAB stands for working in good conditions, with a nice atmosphere between the teams.

Romane Marano
Current degree: Biological and Health Engineering
In vitro project leader apprentice

What sentence summarizes the best your experience at SILAB?

This is a very enhancing and formative experience that allowed me to confirm my choice of orientation and to acquire numerous knowledges and skills.

Could you give one good reason to do a work-study at SILAB?

For me, it would be the fact of discovering the cosmetic and dermo-cosmetic industry within an independent company, respectful of the environment and committed to the training of students.

Lucie Moigne
Current degree: Professional degree in Quality Control in Biotechnology
Quality Control Technician Apprentice

What sentence summarizes the best your experience at SILAB?

The laboratory in which I evolute collaborates with multiple departments of the company, which leads me to interact, take initiatives and become more responsible. Within a short time, I gained in autonomy and maturity.

Could you give one good reason to do a work-study at SILAB?

The team spirit at SILAB allows you to progress serenely and to assert yourself as you go along. It is very pleasant to work here, you feel supported, without any judgement and you feel confident.

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