REVILIENCE®, the source of vitality for deficient skin

REVILIENCE® is a vitalizing natural active derived from the bacterium Sphingomonas panaciterrae, capable of restoring the "vitality signature" of the skin by regulating the biological pathways linked to the metabolism and protection of skin cells. Thanks to its rapid action, the radiance of the complexion is enhanced and hydration is improved after 7 days of application.

Sphingomonas panaciterrae, an incredible source of vitality

Ginseng is known to impose many modifications and deficiencies on its environment, impacting the availability of nutrients, such as nitrogen.

To survive in this hostile environment, the bacterium Sphingomonas panaciterrae, present in the rhizosphere of ginseng, deploys protective mechanisms via the production of Exopolysaccharides (EPS) of the sphingan type. It thus displays bio-protective and bio-stimulating properties for itself and for its host, giving it an incredible "vitality capital" that SILAB has chosen to enhance in its REVILIENCE® active ingredient.

Sphingomonas panaciterrae, a PGPR possessing vitality

The alliance of multiple expertise

Bioguiding and enzyme engineering

SILAB then developed a biotechnological process for controlled nitrogen deficiency applied to Sphingomonas panaciterrae. This bio-inspired process made it possible to double the production of EPS compared to a non-deficient culture. Coupled with a specific enzymatic hydrolysis, this unique approach has led to obtaining an active ingredient composed of oligosphingans of interest, capable of improving the metabolism of skin lacking vitality.

Modeling based on omics sciences

Based on solid scientific expertise based on transcriptomics, SILAB has established the gene mapping of skin subjected to a nutritional deficiency (depletion of growth factors) or physiological deficiency (aging) thanks to an unprecedented modeling study. These two deficiency conditions showed a common degradation of the metabolism and protective mechanisms of epidermal cells.

Rediscovered “vitality capital”

Visualization of the effect of REVILIENCE<sup>®</sup> on the radiance complexion of young volunteers.
Visualization of the effect of REVILIENCE® on the radiance complexion of young volunteers.

By reactivating the biological pathways of deficient skin, REVILIENCE® restores the skin's "vitality signature". The cellular metabolism is thus stimulated and the quality of the cutaneous barrier reinforced. Tested at 2.5% on young and mature Caucasian volunteers, the active ingredient enhances the radiance of the complexion and improves hydration from 7 days of application.

Effect of REVILIENCE<sup>®</sup> on complexion radiance parameters in mature volunteers.
Effect of REVILIENCE® on complexion radiance parameters in mature volunteers.

REVILIENCE® is a patented natural active ingredient, recommended in all treatments for skin lacking vitality at a dose of 0.5 to 2.5%. Available in aqueous solution, it is easy to formulate. It complies with biodiversity regulations and displays a natural content of 98.8% (ISO 16128). It complies with international cosmetic regulations (Europe, United States, China, Japan, and more).

Documentation available on the product page (connection to the private part required).

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