The foundation introduces its 16th prizewinner

The SILAB - Jean PAUFIQUE Corporate Foundation, which accompany young researchers in the field of skin pathologies, will support the research work of Emilie Chessel for the next three years.

The presentation of her research work entitled: "Study of metabolic and translational adaptations leading to melanoma resistance to immunotherapy" gathered, this June 22nd 2023, about a hundred people in SILAB’s amphitheater.

This ceremony was also the occasion for the members of the scientific council and SILAB’s collaborators to catch up on the work of the previous prizewinners: Anna Llebaria-Fabrias as well as Léa Dousset, and to exchange on the biomedical advances.

Conseil scientifique et lauréates

During her intervention, Emilie Chessel indicated that half of the treated patients for a cutaneous melanoma develop resistances to the existing treatments. The goal of her work is to identify early prognostic markers of resistance in order to identify new therapeutic targets and thus circumvent non-response to immunotherapies.

These studies are conducted within the Mediterranean center of Molecular Medicine (C3M) in Nice, co-supervised by the doctors Rocchi and Cerezo.

Visit the website dedicated to the SILAB - Jean PAUFIQUE Corporate Foundation for more information.

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