World Clean Up Day, another year of mobilization for SILAB

On Thursday October 12, around 50 volunteers from SILAB and neighboring companies in the NAU area got together to take part in World Clean Up Day, an action in favor of the environment.

This worldwide event aims to clean up the planet by collecting waste. Styrofoam, cigarette butts, plastic bottles, metal... no less than 56 kilos of waste, including 700g of cigarette butts, were collected in one hour. All these pollutants will be sorted and recycled by an approved collection organization: PAPREC.

This fifth edition is fully in line with the "preserved environment" pillar of SILAB's Actively Caring CSR program, which offers awareness-raising actions of this type, linked to various ecological issues in order to encourage eco-responsibility.

As noted during previous collection sessions, there is still a lot of small items of waste, harmful to the environment.

Every gesture counts, so let's continue to raise awareness and commit ourselves to this cause.

Thanks to all participants for their growing commitment!

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