3,2,1... launch of the work-study 2024 campaign!

Once again this year, SILAB's aim is to train new young people and enable them to enter the job market while continuing their studies. Whether it's a professionalization contract, an apprenticeship contract, for 1, 2 or 3 years, at various levels of qualification and in a variety of professions, there are many offers available.

For the start of the 2024 academic year, about 15 positions are available. This future class of work-study students will be made up of talents from a variety of backgrounds: in vitro laboratory, quality, purchasing, manufacturing, CSR, R&D, etc.
Each work-study student will be supported throughout his or her career by a trained tutor.

Find out more about the job offers on the dedicated page in the Talents section of our website.

Read the testimonials of four of our 2023/2024 work-study students.

Rémi Freysseline
Bachelor of technology in hygiene, safety, environment
Safety apprentice

Why did you decide to do a work-study program?

I decided to pursue my studies on a work-study basis to discover the world of work and to be able to apply directly the concepts I had learned during my training. Field learning is an ideal complement to my studies.

What do you like most about your experience at SILAB?

What I like most about working for SILAB is the variety of activities I get to discover, thanks to the size of the site and the diversity of my assignments, which means I don't have to settle into a routine.

Do you have any words of advice for the future intake of work-study students?

If I had to give one piece of advice to the future class of work-study students, I'd tell them to show initiative and autonomy.

Angèle Veyssière
Master degree Grande Ecole Program
Digital marketing and communication apprentice

Why did you decide to do a work-study program?

Firstly, it enables me to gain professional experience while continuing my studies. Thanks to the work-study program, I can put the theoretical knowledge I've acquired at school into practice in a concrete professional environment. This will allow me to be more operational and competitive on the job market once my studies are over. I'm also meeting industry professionals and building up a solid network.

What do you like most about your experience at SILAB?

Working in an environment where there's a good atmosphere and where the company's values are in line with my own creates a pleasant and stimulating working environment. The tasks entrusted to me are varied and interesting, enabling me to put my skills into practice and develop new ones. I'm grateful for the trust the company has shown in me by giving me responsibilities and allowing me a certain amount of autonomy in my work.

Do you have any words of advice for the future intake of work-study students?

Take advantage of this opportunity to learn, develop and actively contribute to your host company's projects.

Fanny José
Bachelor of technology in chemistry
Laboratory technician in quality control apprentice,
Chromatography laboratory

Why did you decide to do a work-study program?

I chose to do my final year of work-study, in particular to get my first foot in the door of the professional world, to put my theoretical skills into practice, but also to acquire new ones. I opted for this route to discover the various jobs available with my diploma, as well as the field of activity offered by the company, in order to to narrow down my career path. The salary is also a significant advantage for financing my studies.

What do you like most about your experience at SILAB?

What I like most about SILAB is the team spirit. The serene and friendly atmosphere, as well as the availability and benevolence of my colleagues, make for better work. I also appreciate the quality of the equipment and the new premises, which offer a pleasant working environment.

Do you have any words of advice for the future intake of work-study students?

They need to satisfy their curiosity and visit several departments to broaden their future professional horizons. It's important that they dare to ask questions to their colleagues or their tutor: they'll be ready to listen.

Justin Pratx
Bachelor of technology in biological engineering food science and biotechnology specialization
Biotechnology production technician apprentice

Why did you decide to do a work-study program?

In my second year of Bachelor of technology, I opted for a work-study training program. I wanted to combine theory and practice to deepen my scientific knowledge while acquiring solid professional experience. This choice also enabled me to finance my studies while preparing me for the world of work, with a particular focus on the cosmetics and biotechnology sectors, where I'm tending to evolve.

What do you like most about your experience at SILAB?

What I appreciate most is the opportunity to work in an innovative and dynamic company, where I was able to acquire new skills by taking part in concrete projects in the biotechnology field. Finally, I particularly appreciated the quality of the training and the commitment of those who contributed to my professional development this year.

Do you have any words of advice for the future intake of work-study students?

It's hard to give advice, but in my opinion, involvement in the day-to-day work and curiosity are two factors that promote success. Use every opportunity to develop new skills and show your motivation throughout your experience.

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