SILAB supports the AVRUL Incubator

AVRUL (Agency for the valuation of university research in Limousin), the Limoges University's Partner Foundation and SILAB signed a sponsorship agreement on Thursday, July 25 in which SILAB supports the AVRUL Incubator.

With its target to develop the economic attractiveness of the territory through its support of start-ups, the objectives of AVRUL comply with SILAB's concerns.

Indeed, SILAB is strongly rooted in its region and driven by scientific innovation, which has always been one of the pillars of its strategy. This is why the company is committed to voluntarily providing active and constant support for the development of Research activities in its territory. AVRUL is an ideal vehicle, because of its role as a privileged interface between public research and companies to enable the socio-economic area to benefit from the innovation potential of University Laboratories. SILAB has therefore chosen to provide €30,000 in support of innovative entrepreneurship in its region.

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