A long-lasting biological treatment for finer pores

  • Skin care
  • Anti-oily skin / Pore treatment
Oligosaccharidic fraction from green lentil, p-REFINYL® is the unique biological solution for the treatment of pore visibility. It acts on three major factors responsible for the dilatation and slackening of pores. p-REFINYL® limits the excessive sebum production, favors the complete keratinocyte maturation and stimulates the collagen I synthesis. Essential active ingredient for finer and smoother skin grain, p-REFINYL® can be incorporated into all care products for young and mature skin.
  • I.N.C.I. NAME

    Water & Lens esculenta (Lentil) Seed Extract

  • Raw material

    Green lentil

  • Keyword

    Pore minimizer

  • Active molecule
