The excellence of a natural and protective film

  • Hair care
  • Coating effect/Protector
Designed from a unique technology (IBPN Technology®), FILMEXEL® is a natural biopolymer providing hair with protection and shine. On hair exposed to pollution, it protects the hair fiber of Caucasian and Asian volunteers by reducing the oxidation of proteins and limiting the adhesion of particulate matter. Its protective effect is confirmed on hair weakened by bleaching. Finally, it restores shine on aggressed hair (repeated shampoo and use of a straightener). FILMEXEL® is recommended in protective hair care.
  • I.N.C.I. NAME

    Kappaphycus alvarezii Extract & Caesalpinia spinosa Fruit Extract

  • Raw material

    Kappaphycus alvarezii & Caesalpinia spinosa

  • Keyword



    Physical protection

  • Active molecule
