Skin detox: give yourself a make over!

Our skin is the interface with the external environment and so it is continually subjected to a number of stresses such as UV or pollution. Cell damage caused by these stresses result in the accumulation of waste products or toxins in cells. At the time when detox is a current subject of study by the use of juices, we will see that skin cells can also carry out these processes.

Detoxification is a process by which an organism eliminates toxic substances that have accumulated, in order to purify itself.

At the level of the skin, internal stresses such as poor health practices, or external stresses such as UV and pollution, cause the production of waste products (oxidized proteins or lipids, damaged cell compartments, etc.). The accumulation of this waste impairs the correct functioning of cells, leading to the appearance of wrinkles and a dull and tired complexion.

Skin cells can ensure their optimal functioning by triggering cell detoxification mechanisms to reduce their waste content.

When proteins, lipids, sugars or cell compartments are damaged, the cell can trigger a defense mechanism to eliminate these compounds.

The term autophagy literally means “eat oneself”. It is a dynamic process enabling the cell to recycle its waste into primary metabolites that can be reused to synthesize new molecules. Autophagy thereby ensures the survival of cells.

When the proteins conformation is correct, they play a number of key roles in cell metabolism. Some stresses, however, affect their correct conformation, thus their functionality.

When these non-functional proteins accumulate, the cell can trigger the UPR (Unfolded protein response) that acts as a “repair function”. On the one hand, it stops the protein production line, thereby preventing additional cell overloads; on the other hand, it repairs misfolded proteins to ensure their correct operation and thus normal cell metabolism.

For each of these cell detox mechanisms, SILAB has been at the forefront with its studies of the skin. Our research teams have demonstrated that skin cells can recycle their defective components and repair their damages proteins.

Since these detox mechanisms become attenuated in the course of aging, SILAB has also developed innovative active ingredients that can boost the endogenous detox capacities of skin cells. In conclusion, skin cells regain their optimal functioning: the skin is smooth and radiant.


Innovation Management project leader
Doctor in Biology, Science and Health, I have been working at SILAB since 2014. Currently Innovation Management project leader, my natural curiosity and interest in cell biology allow me to develop innovative concepts for our launches of natural active ingredients.

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