The internship as a real opportunity to succeed in your professional project

Internships are currently an integral part of many professional training paths. This professional experience is often acclaimed by both students and companies. Participating in an internship in the course of studies opens the field of possibilities and even becomes a deciding factor in future choices for employment. What exactly is an internship? How to be sure of profiting from these few months in the professional world?

What is the professional internship?

Throughout studies or during professional reorientation, internships are possible for a maximum duration of six months.

Even though the status of an intern is not the same as that of a salaried employee, it is nevertheless governed by a precise regulatory framework: signed internship agreement (defining the commitments of each party), financial reward for internships longer than two months, and compliance with the “Charter of student internships in companies”.

Since the internship is a learning device, it must correspond to the educational framework set down by the school: it is not seasonal employment or recruitment which tends to support a company’s activity. The goal of an internship must be defined, and a precise mission assigned to the intern. Depending on the schools and the training programs, the intern may be required to draft an internship report, an essay and/or defend a presentation before a jury in order to determine if the educational objectives have been reached. This is also the means of assessing the capacity of an intern to analyze and summarize, and his/her comfort with an oral presentation, as many essential skills in professional life.

Extensive opportunities for the intern...

An internship provides the student with many benefits. In most cases, it is the first contact with the professional world, the occasion to absorb its codes, to learn to work as a team, etc.

The professional experience enables the theoretical aspect of the university environment and the practical aspect of the workplace to be placed in perspective: students profit from their knowledge and develop solid and concrete skills.

Participating in an internship is also the best way to confirm a career choice. Indeed, directly doing a job and being in contact with seasoned professionals enable the student to refine or reorient his/her career project.

This experience provides additional background and is essential for standing out before entering the job market. It is a major point that recruiters look for, provided it is clearly mentioned in the résumé!

The internship is an important opportunity to construct a professional network!

Not only essential to boost the chances of finding a job, it is also important to build relations with coworkers in the company, which could be key support for the student for reaching this goal.

This career path may sometimes be a potential springboard for being hired: the internship may lead to another contract with the company, work-study, limited duration or even full time employment! Even if this does not happen, a future employer may consider an internship at the end of studies as a first real professional experience.


If an intern is hired by the company within three months following the end of the internship in a position equal to the activities exercised, the length of the internship is totally deducted from the trial period.

... but also for the company

Companies can also take advantage of this type of training that is essential for the professional insertion of young workers.

While broadening his/her skills, the intern also brings added value to the company: he/she leads a project and provides an external viewpoint and fresh ideas.

The internship is also an opportunity for the company to prepare a recruitment, since each intern is a potential future employee. The internship is also a mean for both parties to get to know each other.

If the collaboration continues beyond the internship phase, the newly hired former intern is already familiar with the company and how it operates, its corporate values, workplace colleagues, as well as its projects. This new employee continues without having to get new bearings.

In addition, the training dynamic allows an efficient adaptation to the company’s working methods. The new recruit will therefore be more rapidly operational!

SILAB is a company involved in the training of young people

Every year, SILAB welcomes a large number of interns at varied educational levels (vocational training certificate, university bachelor of technology, professional or master degree, or engineering schools) and in all of the company’s activity sectors (R&D, industrial, quality, administrative, commercial, IT, communication, etc.). In 2021, SILAB welcomed 24 interns pursuing advanced studies.

With the goal of encountering the talents of tomorrow and supporting recruitments, the HR team partners with schools, regularly attending student forums and organizing visits to the company’s premises.

Moreover, in order to ensure quality accompaniment and to make young talent growth, the student has the same mentor throughout the entire internship. Mentors that are experts in their field are supported to guarantee the effective transmission of skills. Each new mentor benefits from personalized coaching by the training department.

Special attention is also paid to the integration of interns. Their arrival is prepared in advance to welcome them in the best possible conditions: personalized welcome, training specific to the corporate culture and to the position, layout of the workspace, etc.

When the occasion arises, it is possible to continue the collaboration after the end of the internship. If the student is still in training, SILAB can offer support with a work-study program and if he/she has completed the training cycle, SILAB may offer a salaried position.

Between 2021 and 2022, no fewer than 10 interns were hired to continue the SILAB experience after their internship.

Internships available can be consulted in the “Talent” section of our website. It is also possible to send a spontaneous application. All applications are carefully examined and a response, whether positive or negative, is always given.


HR Development Manager
With a master’s degree in HR, I am responsible for SILAB’s HR development, a field that covers the acquisition, integration and development of talents in the company.
In the framework of our Generation contract, our proactive policy regarding youth aims at contributing to their training and professional integration, in particular in the form of internships or work-study programs.

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