SILAB gets involved for the World Clean Up Day

The day before the World Clean Up Day citizen movement, SILAB employees participated in a waste collection, organized by the company for the fourth consecutive year.

On Friday, September 16, more than thirty volunteers working for SILAB, the town hall or a waste collection partner organization gathered on this day dedicated to the cleaning of our planet.

Paper, plastic, metal, cigarette butts… nearly 50 kg of waste were picked up from the roadsides of the activity area in 1 hour.
All this garbage will be sorted and recycled by approved collecting organizations.

This action is fully embedded in SILAB’s Actively Caring CSR program, and its zero ultimate waste policy achieved for several years despite the increase of activities. Ambitious waste projects are carried out to reduce the quantity generated upstream, and to identify potential reuse solutions downstream.

On a regular basis, SILAB’s Environment team proposes awareness actions of this kind, related to different ecological issues in order to promote eco-attitude.

Every gesture counts! Thank you to all those who have mobilized to limit the impact of urban pollution.

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