SENEVISIUM® wins 1st prize at the C&T Allē Awards!

SENEVISIUM®, SILAB’s natural anti-aging active ingredient that acts on the cutaneous immune system, has received the 1st prize of the C&T Allē Awards in the Actives/Anti-aging category at the Red Carpet Awards Gala on March 6 in Los Angeles, in parallel to the Beauty Accelerate conference.

Less than one year after having received in Asia the 1st prize of the ICIC Award and the 1st prize of the Ringer Award, SENEVISIUM® is again distinguished by being named as the winner of the C&T Allē Awards in the United States.

SILAB developed this active ingredient by deciphering the immunoevasion phenomenon, an insidious strategy implemented by certain senescent fibroblasts to avoid being eliminated by the immune system. This natural elimination is nevertheless beneficial because senescent fibroblasts that persist have harmful effects on neighboring cells.

SILAB’s research teams have implemented novel in vitro and in vivo models that showed the accentuation of this immunoevasion mechanism in the skin after the age of 60, responsible for profound changes (wrinkles, dull complexion, loss of elasticity and senescence spots). The targeted action of SENEVISIUM® enables it to counteract the immunoevasion of senescent fibroblasts, thereby leading to their elimination by the immune system.

According to Brigitte Closs-Gonthier, Chief Executive Officer and General Manager of R&D, Quality and Communication at SILAB, this distinction attests to the work done by all teams involved in this project: “We are very pleased that the high scientific level of this active ingredient has been recognized by the cosmetics industry. SENEVISIUM® in fact is an innovative cosmetic solution, the result of a cutting-edge research program that for the first time has demonstrated the consequences of the immunoevasion by senescent fibroblasts in the course of skin aging.

These three international awards demonstrate the universal nature of this longevity concentrate obtained from Ginkgo biloba, enabling the skin to recover its density and elasticity, attenuating wrinkles and enhancing complexion radiance.

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