The molecular signature of atopic dermatitis decrypted in vivo

In partnership with Prof. Michel Manfait (MéDIAN UMR CNRS 7369 MEDyC - Univ. Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France), SILAB softcare advanced research focused on the in vivo characterization of atopic dermatitis. These studies have led to the publication of an article in the high impact factor journal, Experimental Dermatology.

The atopic dermatitis non-invasively characterized

The research studies conducted reveal for the first time in vivo, and non-invasively, the molecular signature of atopic skins that reflects changes in the lipid matrix (organization and conformation) and hydration (total and bound water content). This study was carried out using confocal Raman microspectroscopy in vivo in collaboration with the team of Prof. Michel Manfait.

The equipment we used has a flexible probe which enables molecular descriptors of the skin to be explored in vivo, whatever area of skin is studied. Highly precise, it also generates masses of data. Expertise of a specific protocol that enables spectra to be sorted and processed is indispensable in order to obtain the necessary quality to exploit them statistically. explains Raoul Vyumvuhore, Head of the SILAB Biophysics Laboratory.

An ambitious program of research into atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is the initial research worked on by SILAB softcare, the new SILAB department dedicated to the care of compromised skin. Started up 5 years ago, the aim of this research program was to decrypt the signature of this pathology by the use of innovative in vitro and in vivo modelling. After publishing in the British Journal of Dermatology on our SILABSKIN® model mimicking atopic skin in vitro, it is with great satisfaction that we welcome this new evidence of the quality of the studies conducted by the SILAB softcare research teams. states Brigitte Closs, Deputy General Manager, Research and Development, SILAB.

AD-RESYL®, a natural active for atopic skin

The results obtained during these in vivo and in vitro modeling studies enabled to support the development of AD-RESYL®, a purified natural active ingredient capable of preventing the clinical signs of atopic dermatitis and prolonging periods of remission following corticosteroid therapy.

Verzeaux L, Vyumvuhore R, Boudier D, and al. Atopic skin: In vivo Raman identification of global molecular signature, a comparative study with healthy skin. Exp Dermatol. 2017;00:1-6.

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